Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Dressing Chair

via Southern Chateau

So this blogging takes a LOT more time that I thought it would! Sorry its been so long! This past weekend we travelled to Knoxville for the Ole Miss/UT debacle and to visit my little sister who is in law school there.  I got to hang out with Anna and her precious friends.  Here they are:

Aren't they beautiful? Not only are they super cute and fun, but they also read my blog!!! Image that! I have followers! That means so much to me! So this blog is for you :) Well...kindof...I promised one of you that I would write a post on my home, but I didn't have time energy yesterday to clean my house and take pictures so instead you get a blog dedicated to another estate sale find:

The cane back dressing chair:

Isn't it fabulous? Yes, I know the seat needs to be fixed, but I think it would be perfect in a dressing room.  Hence, why I call it the dressing chair...absolutely needed to put on your tall boots over your skinny jeans, tie a pair of tennis shoes, or pull up a super uncomfortable pair of tights (can you tell I have some on now that just aren't working?)

I know in my previous estate sale find post, I showed pictures of fabric and how I would update my find.  But I think this pretty little chair holds it's own.  I think its just perfect the way it is (minus the broken seat) and needs to be here:

Barbra Barry via Architectual Digest

Or here:
Home for sale in Illinois via Cote de Texas

I just love this dressing room. I love the subtile colors, the pretty chandelier, the rug, the little orange jewelry box on the right that adds the perfect touch of bold color, and the pretty framed portrait on the left just waiting to be hung. I also LOVE the window.  In my dream dressing room I will have a window that gets just the perfect amount of sun in the morning (10am) to brighten my day while I am getting ready. 

via Domino

This room also has a window (on the left), but out of the picture.  I could fall asleep in the fuzzy chair in this room.  And my cane-back chair would sub perfectly for the little chair here.

Touch of history, this is Jackie Kennedy's dressing room from the White House.  Still looks in style today. And my chair would look great in front of her dressing table (by the window of course)

Paul Schulman

Love the cleanness of this room (TOTALLY not realistic)...and the chandelier and the windows (of course!). I'm sure there are very beautiful things hiding in those mirrored closet doors.  And lastly, don't you see my chair at the desk here?

Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe via Cococozy

Or here? P.S. If you look verrrryy closely, you will notice all the drawers and doors are nailhead trim. Pretty cool...and of course, the rug is awesome (and the window....)

via Nest Egg

I know my exact chair is here...just off camera. Love the chandelier and the pink is so femine.

I want to be her (Olivia Wilde).  WITH her hippie dress.  (just thought I would throw this one in just...because :)

via House Beautiful

And this one too...because I love the wallpaper here.  And it looks like the clothes were bought to match it.  And check out the window. And the orchid...love it!

Talking about matching...check out Tory Burch's dressing room.  I spy...an orange cushin that matches an orange TB box and an orangy drawer handle and an orange fabric island and an orange sweater AND an orange purse. Do you see it?

This dressing room is from the set of the movie Somethings Gotta Give.  Look familiar? I think if I had this many doors in my closet they would have to have to be see-through or they would all be open and look messy and stuff would be everywhere.  Kinda like this closet here:

Again, look familar? Carrie Bradshaw's closet from Sex and the City. But I can see my pretty chair here too.  Its just under all the clothes she tried on to wear this morning.  Do you spy it?
Ok, just a couple more.

Joan River's dressing room

Again, the window, the chandelier, the painting.  Just need to sub my chair for the leopard print one.  Picture it? Makes the room alot prettier right?


And another one with wallpaper and a pretty framed portrait.

via Canadian House and Home

So to note, I will need the following in my dressing room with my pretty chair:

1. A window
2. A framed picture (preferably a woman's portrait)
3. A chandelier
4. Doors (WITH see-through glass)
5. Wallpaper (that may or may not match my clothes)
6. And lastly...a hippie dress (to wear in my dressing room of course)

I'm going to leave you with one last very glamorous dressing room: 

Aerin Lauder's dressing room via Elle Decor



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